How to Propagate A Monstera In Water (Complete Guide)

How to Propagate A Monstera In Water (Complete Guide)

Monstera plants are immensely popular, but they can be expensive to buy. Fortunately, they are extremely easy to propagate, and many people successfully take and grow cuttings of their Monstera plants at home, with very little equipment. You can propagate a Monstera in water by taking a cutting with a growth node and at least …

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Can Monstera Plants Grow In Low Light?

Can Monstera Plants Grow In Low Light?

Monstera plants, also called Swiss cheese plants, are beautiful tropical vines known for their unique hole-filled leaves. Native to tropical zones in Central America, the Monstera uses its vines to climb up trees in its natural habitat to get closer to the sun. It requires some daily sunlight to receive all necessary nutrients for its …

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Monstera Plants: Choosing The Best Pot

Monstera Plants: Choosing The Best Pot

If you have ever seen a Monstera plant, you may have immediately noticed its natural beauty. These wonderful plants are exotic-looking and surprisingly easy to care for. So, if you want to turn your home into a luscious garden, Monsteras may just be the plant you are looking for. However, while they are easy to …

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Variegated Monstera: Why So Expensive?

Variegated Monstera: Why So Expensive?

If you are looking to get a variegated Monstera plant, you have probably already noticed that these are extremely expensive plants to buy, even if you only buy a small one. Why on Earth do these plants cost so much just for a cutting? There are quite a few things that bump up the asking …

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7 Reasons Why Your Monstera Adansonii Is Drooping

7 Reasons Why Your Monstera Adansonii Is Drooping

There are a number of reasons that a Monstera adansonii might droop, and if your plant is not looking as perky as you would expect, you need to find out why. Reasons could include: Lack of water Too much water Disease Pests Temperature Lack of humidity Not enough food Monstera plants can be reasonably easy …

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Monstera Adansonii Varieties (+ How To Identify Them)

Monstera Adansonii Varieties (+ How To Identify Them)

Monstera plants are extremely popular, but there are many different kinds. Today, we are going to explore Monstera Adansonii varieties so that you know which plants belong to this group! Monstera adansonii can vary in appearance, and people usually differentiate them on such basis, which include: Monstera Adansonii Variegata Monstera Adansonii Round Form Monstera Adansonii …

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