Can You Put Monstera Aerial Roots In Water?

Can You Put Monstera Aerial Roots In Water?

If your Monstera plant has started developing aerial roots, you might be wondering “can I put Monstera aerial roots in water?” As they mature, most healthy Monsteras start to develop strong roots that sprout out from the stem and into the air – but how do you look after them? You don’t need to put …

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Why Does My Monstera Not Have Holes?

Why Does My Monstera Not Have Holes?

Monstera plants are probably most famous for their fenestrations – the holes in their leaves that give them that classic, distinctive shape and iconic look. These fenestrations are part of what has made these plants so popular, but if your plant hasn’t developed them, you might be left wondering, why does my Monstera not have …

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Do Monstera Plants Grow Fruit?

Do Monstera Plants Grow Fruit?

If you have a Monstera deliciosa, you might have observed that sometimes it produces large fruits, leading you to wonder whether you can eat Monstera fruits and what they taste like. It seems unlikely that a plant like a Monstera would produce edible fruits, but it does! Monstera deliciosa plants do bear fruit if they …

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Why Is My Variegated Monstera Turning Brown?

Why Is My Variegated Monstera Turning Brown?

If you have a variegated Monstera, you probably spend a lot of time tending to it and trying to make sure it has everything it needs to stay happy and healthy. However, plants develop problems even when we do our utmost to look after them, and if your Monstera is developing brown patches on its …

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How To Tell If Your Monstera Is Variegated

How To Tell If Your Monstera Is Variegated

Have you ever noticed pale patches on the leaves of your Monstera and got excited? Variegated Monsteras are very unusual and expensive plants, so this might leave you wondering if you have hit a jackpot with yours and ended up with a special variety. Variegated Monsteras are characterized by changes in color on the leaves …

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Can You Cut Monstera Roots?

Can You Cut Monstera Roots?

If you have a beautiful, large Monstera growing, the long roots that this plant often puts out into the air might annoy you. They can look pretty unsightly and may ruin the overall aesthetic of this dramatic plant – so can you cut Monstera roots off? You can cut off Monstera roots if you choose …

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