Monstera plants are generally pretty hardy, but it is important to take good care of them during the winter, particularly if you live in a cold climate. These plants struggle with low temperatures and poor light, and may need extra attention to thrive.
In winter, you need to be careful not to over-water your Monstera, and you need to ensure that it has a stable temperature of over 55 degrees F, as well as a good level of humidity. You should stop fertilizing it, and allow it to turn dormant for the season.
How Warm Does A Monstera Need To Be?
Monsteras come from hot countries and do not thrive when temperatures drop. Their leaves will start to curl up and turn brown, so you need to keep them away from open windows and ensure that the house does not get too cold.
Monsteras prefer to be kept above 60 degrees F, but they will tolerate temperatures as low as 55 degrees F if they have to. However, prolonged exposure to low temperatures could slow their growth and leave them unhappy.
An icy draft, such as an open window or an air conditioning unit, will likely cause your Monstera to drop a lot of its leaves very quickly. Frost damage may also turn the tips of the leaves brown.
Do not put your Monstera near a heater, however. It might seem like a great way to keep it cozy, but heaters are far too hot for any plants, and will also dry the air out. This is not good for Monsteras, which like humidity and warmth, rather than desert heat.
You should therefore put your Monstera in a warm room, away from either chills or bursts of heat. It must be at least a few feet from any heater. This should help to ensure that it is happy and its foliage stays healthy throughout the colder months.
If your Monstera does get chilled, use sharp, sterile shears to remove any damaged leaves, and move it to a location with stabler temperatures.
Do You Need To Humidify Your Plant During The Winter?
Your Monstera will certainly benefit from being humidified in the winter, yes. Many people think that winter air is cold and damp, but actually, it can be very dry. This will pull water from the Monstera’s surrounding air, and if its leaves get too dry, they will start to curl.
You should be careful about humidifying in the winter because you don’t want to make your plant wet, but a little misting will help it to stay healthy. Lightly mist the soil in the plant’s pot with a sprayer once a week, or leave your shower door open to allow the humidity to escape into the room (if your plant is near the bathroom).
Alternatively, placing a bowl of water on a radiator can be a great way to boost the general humidity in the room, without specifically making your plant wet and exposing it to fungal infections. This is cheaper than buying a humidifier and can work just as well.
How Often Should You Water Your Monstera?
It’s important to reduce your watering frequency in the winter, as your Monstera’s soil will not dry out as quickly when the temperatures are low. Because the plant will turn dormant in the low light levels, it is also likely to drink less water.
Monsteras are sensitive to being over-watered, so it’s better to err on the side of too little water, rather than giving it too much. To check whether your plant is ready for a drink, push the tip of your finger into the surface of the soil. If it is still damp, don’t water it any further.
You should only add more water once the soil is dry to around an inch or two inches down. It is also a good idea to check that the Monstera is draining properly, otherwise, it could end up sitting in water, which will cause root rot.
Don’t try to do it on a schedule, because the rate at which the plant takes up water and water evaporates will vary enormously depending on your environment. If you keep your home cool, it will take a lot longer. If your home is hot, your plant might need a drink more often.
Check the soil, and do not over-water it. On the other hand, don’t leave it without a drink for the entire winter, because it won’t be happy.
Should You Fertilize Your Plant During The Winter?
Many people choose not to fertilize their Monsteras during the winter. The plant is dormant and so should not need much food, and over-fertilizing can cause all sorts of problems, such as root burn and brown spots on the leaves.
If you do want to keep fertilizing, you should reduce the frequency and dilute the dose more heavily. If your plant hasn’t turned dormant, it may benefit from this extra food and keep growing (albeit very slowly, because the light levels will be low).
Dilute the fertilizer to half or a quarter of its normal strength, and only fertilize your plant once every two or three months.
This should be enough to ensure that there is food in the soil, but not so much that the salts will build up and burn the plant’s roots.
If you do see brown spots appearing on your Monstera’s leaves and you think you have over-fertilized it, thoroughly flush the container out with water, and then allow it to dry out. Do not fertilize it again for a few months.
Can You Repot A Monstera In The Winter?
No, you should not repot your Monstera during the winter. Most of these plants turn dormant in the cold season, and repotting may wake it up from the dormancy before it is ready. You should avoid repotting until spring.
If your Monstera does need a bigger pot, you don’t need to worry too much because it will grow very minimally, if at all, during the winter months. There simply isn’t enough light for it to photosynthesize effectively, and so it will mostly conserve its energy and not put out new foliage or roots until conditions improve.
Even if it’s in a cramped pot, it should last until spring. At this point, you can tip it out and transfer it to a larger container, so, it will start the growing season with fresh compost and lots of energy.
Similarly, if you wish to propagate your Monstera, wait until the spring to take cuttings. You are unlikely to get healthy, energetic cuttings from a plant in winter, and this could cause the mother plant to come out of its dormancy early.
Monstera plants need consistently warm temperatures during the winter, so make sure you provide these. Do not leave a Monstera beside an open window, or next to a radiator, or you could easily kill the plant. Make sure you are humidifying it if your home is dry, and only watering and fertilizing it sparingly.
Your plant will probably turn dormant for the winter and resume growth the following spring.