House plants are exploding in popularity lately, and it’s not all just ficus and ferns these days. Plants that were considered hard to find are more accessible than ever, and that includes tropical beauties like Majesty Palms.
Majesty Palms are not toxic to cats or dogs. As far as houseplants go, Majesty Palms are some of the safest for pet owners to keep but it’s always important to keep an eye on your pets if they have a tendency to chew on plants. Cats are especially fond of Majesty Palms.
One downside to the ever-increasing popularity of houseplants is that some plants that appear innocuous can be toxic to pets. Thankfully, Majesty Palms are not one of those toxic plants.
What Is A Palm?
Palms are tropical and subtropical perennial flowering plants in the Arecaceae family.
Not all palms are trees, but the one we cover in this article, the Majesty Palm, is. There are a few different types of palms that are sought after as houseplants.
They include:
- Majesty Palms
- Parlor Palms
- Areca Palms
- Cat Palms
- Kentia Palms
Fans of indoor plants value these palms for their expansive leaves, gorgeous green color, and ability to make even the northernmost home have a touch of the tropical.
What Is A Majesty Palm?
The Majesty Palm grows to be 98 feet tall in its natural state, but when being sold as a common house plant, we keep them limited to much shorter sizes. The palm is made up of long, thin fronds with arching leaves and a thick, woody trunk.

When we keep Majesty Palms in our homes, they rarely grow taller than 5 feet. Keep your palm in a pot that fits it snugly with around inches extra room around the base of the plant.
If you prefer your Majesty Palm to be outdoors, they do well in areas of the garden that remain moist. One of the best places for these palms is on the edge of a small garden pond or anywhere else that stays damp but not soaking.
Apart from its look, the Majesty Palm is quite hardy and takes little care. It is recommended that they be kept out of direct sunlight since they only require partial sun exposure. You’re in luck if you have a dark area with barely a sliver of sunshine shining into it! 4-6 hours a day of sun is optimal.
Like any other houseplant, Majesty Palm benefits from mindful watering and fertilization. They prefer their soil to always be a bit damp, but never wet enough to risk the start of root rot. Root rot sets in when a plant is overwatered or if the water sits too long. This can cause the root to grow mold or rot, eventually killing the palm.
Is Majesty Palm Toxic To Cats?
Majesty Palms are non-toxic to cats.
The common house cat will usually leave most plants alone, barring the instinct to dig around in their dirt, but cats actually adore Majesty Palm!
Why are Cats Obsessed With Majesty Palm?
Cat owners still aren’t sure if it’s a special scent that the palm gives off, or simply its low-hanging leaves that garner interest from their favorite felines. All we know is that Majesty Palms and cats go together amazingly.
Cats love to take little nibbles from the leaves of this palm, and some owners have even reported their cats chewing their Majesty Palm all the way down to the wood. Thankfully, every inch of the palm, from root to leaf, is completely non-toxic to cats.
In fact, some cat experts recommend getting a Majesty Palm exclusively for your cat to play with!
Majesty Palms are considered some of the very safest plants for cats, so if your kitty is curious and into everything, providing one of these plants can keep them occupied. What could be better than an all-natural, safe-to-eat toy for your favorite cat?
Feline owners should be aware of any overconsumption, though, and that goes for any house plant. Too many leaves can upset even the most robust cat’s belly. Not because of any toxins, but because cats are carnivores and an excess of plant matter can easily upset their digestive system.
Especially curious cats can destroy younger Majesty Palms, and while it will prove no problem to the cat if enough of the palm is destroyed it may not regrow.
Kittens can also get the fibrous fronds tangled in their teeth, posing a choking hazard.
A few mouthfuls of the woody portion of the Majesty Palm aren’t a cause to worry, but large, sharp splinters should be avoided. If your kitty has chewed your palm down to the wood, it may be time to place it out of reach.
Always remember to take your kitty to the vet if you suspect sickness in your cat, including illness from eating too many Majesty Palm leaves.
Are Majesty Palms Toxic To Dogs?
Majesty palms are non-toxic to dogs.
Unlike their feline counterparts, dogs tend to only show a passing interest in a Majesty Palm in their home. Younger puppies may desire to chew on the leafy palm, but older dogs pay them no mind.
Just like with cats, a few nibbles here and there on the leaf of the Majesty Palm is harmless for dogs, but if your dog consumes too much of the plant, it could upset their stomach.
The most important thing to be aware of is, since puppies love to chew, they may sometimes ingest a large amount of Majesty Palm. This can cause an upset belly, but even more dangerous is the choking hazard that a mouthful of Majesty Palm can pose.
When chewed, the leaves become stringy and fibrous. An enormous ball of this fibrous plant matter in the mouth of a small puppy can be impossible to swallow.
All in all, a little bite of Majesty Palm is fine for dogs. Just don’t let them overdo it!
Are There Any Types of Palms That Are Toxic to Dogs And Cats?
Majesty Palms are safe for household pets, but Sago Palms are toxic. This includes the seeds, leaves, and bark of the Sago Palm.
Sago Palms have thinner leaves and a bushier appearance than Majesty Palms, but to the undiscerning eye, they could be mistaken for one another.
Because the Sago Palm is so toxic, it’s incredibly important to ascertain the type of palm that you are bringing into your home.
How Do I Find Out Which Plants Are Safe For My Pets?
Decorating your home with plants can give it a natural, earthy vibe. Lately, the varieties of the types of available house plants have skyrocketed, meaning it’s becoming harder and harder for pet owners to find out which plants are safe for their furry friends.
Luckily, the ASPCA has compiled an extensive list of toxic plants. This list can even be printed and sorted by types of pets so you can have a list of plants to avoid on hand at all times.
The ASPCA is one the of top sources for education on pet and animal safety, so you can rest assured that their information is correct.
The ASPCA website has marked Majesty Palm as safe for cats, dogs, and even horses!
What Are Some Toxic Plants To Look Out For?
The list of problematic plants for house pets is expansive, which is why it’s strongly recommended to check out the ASPCA’s compilation of all known toxic plants for pets.
With a Majesty Palm, you don’t have to worry about toxicity, but it’s a good practice to confirm that your Majesty Palm isn’t another type of palm in disguise.
A list of just a few common house plants that are poisonous are:
- Lilies
- A huge variety of lilies are dangerous to dogs and cats, causing renal problems and even death
- Marijuana
- Marijuana is legal medically and recreationally in a large number of states now, but this odorous medication can still make dogs and cats quite ill.
- Sago Palm
- As we mentioned above, the cousin of the harmless Majesty Palm, Sago Palm, is extremely toxic to pets. Every bit of the Sago Palm is dangerous, which is why you should always check your type of palm before bringing one indoors.
- Tulip
- This spring staple is problematic for animals despite its lovely appearance. Keep and tulip bouquets far away from curious cats and dogs.
Key Takeways
Here are some of the key takeaways in a very summarized form:
- Majesty Palms are non-toxic to both dogs and cats
- Palms are tropical and subtropical plants that are making waves as a popular addition to home plant collections
- Majesty Palms, like their name suggests, can grow to majestic heights, but homeowners keep them trimmed between 3 and 5 feet
- Cats really love Majesty Palms and seem to be drawn to their drooping leaves
- Cats will actually eat Majesty Palm if given the chance
- Dogs don’t notice Majesty Palms, but puppies will occasionally grab a nibble
- Majesty Palms are great, pet-friendly plants suitable for any home.